The Benefits of Starting Preschool before Age 4

January 2023

Sending your child to preschool can be challenging, especially when they are just three or four years old. However, starting your child's preschool education before the age of four will prepare them for greater success in all aspects of life. 

The preschool years are when a child's brain shows the most dynamic and elaborate developmental changes, and they can take in much more than you think. 

Kids below the age of four benefit greatly from preschool because they are exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. But, more importantly, they learn social and emotional skills and how to get along with other kids, share, and contribute.

Here are the top five reasons you should enroll your child in preschool by age four:

Nurtures Creativity and Curiosity
- The preschool environment is designed to promote exploration. Young children have active imaginations, which can be cultivated to fuel learning and creativity. 

- Preschool teachers are specially trained to assist children in developing their ideas and thoughts. Instead of pushing "correct" answers or behaviors, they encourage curiosity, ask questions, and listen to children's ideas.

- When children are exposed to a stimulating environment and appropriate adult interactions, their curiosity and creativity are more likely to flourish.

Promotes Social Development:
- Children consistently spend time at a preschool with other children and adults outside their families. The environment offers lots of chances to learn how to cooperate, listen, make friends, and practice basic conversational skills.

- Additionally, when children are engaged in activities with their peers, minor conflicts can almost always arise that can bring anger and other emotional challenges, giving rise to “teachable moments.” It can provide your child with excellent emotional skills, which can help them for the rest of their lives.

Exposure to Structured Settings:
- Preschool provides an opportunity to be in a structured setting with teachers and groups of children where they will learn to share and follow instructions, raise their hands when they want to ask a question, take turns, share the teacher's attention, and so on. This kind of group experience is beneficial for every child.

Promotes Language Skills:
- When your child is between the ages of 3 and 5, their vocabulary grows exponentially, and the sentences they speak will become longer and more complex.

- Preschool teachers try to stretch children's language skills by asking thought-provoking questions and introducing new vocabulary during science, art, snack time, and other activities. Children get numerous opportunities to sing, discuss favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories.

Helps Develop Motor Skills
- Young children are in motion most of the day; preschool programs provide numerous opportunities for children to run, climb, and play active games daily. Activities such as threading beads and cutting with scissors are given to assist children in developing fine motor skills. And children are challenged to improve their hand-eye coordination and balance through various activities.

Starting preschool before age four gives numerous benefits, helping the child be happy, creative, and equipped for elementary school. However, starting preschool is a developmental milestone rather than an event based on chronological age. So, remember that every child develops at their own pace, and there is no need to rush into preschool.

If you are looking for a preschool with a warm, welcoming, and safe environment where your little one can explore and grow, check out Seeds Early Learning Ventura. We provide high-quality early childhood education in a positive and cheery environment. Schedule a tour today for more details.