How an Authentic Montessori Program Can Benefit You and Your Children

October 2022

When looking into educational programs for your children, one thing that should be considered is the type of program being used – daycare programs, home-based schools and preschools. There are different educational approach used by different programs —Waldorf programs, for example, focus on fostering creativity, while Montessori programs focus on independent learning.

While some might think this means that Montessori classrooms are merely a free-for-all, that is far from the case. An authentic Montessori program can do wonders to help foster the brilliance that is in every child and can do so through focusing on what your child wants to learn and putting them to “work”, rather than lessons, to do so.

Curious about what an authentic Montessori program entails and how it can benefit both you and your child? Continue reading to learn more.

What Is the Montessori Program?
If we’re going to look at what the foundation of a Montessori program is, it makes the most sense to look at its roots. The Montessori program was created and named after Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician who was extremely interested in how children learn. In 1907 she opened a school using the Montessori method of learning, where children learn at their own speed, focus their learning on what interests them, and use materials that Dr. Montessori created. Using uninterrupted work cycles, children can take as much time as they need to finish “work” (not lessons or activities) before choosing something else that catches their interest.

How Can I Tell if Montessori Is a Good Fit for My Child?
When it comes to the educational approach that best suits your child’s learning style and needs, no one knows what will work better than you—their parent! Here are some ways that an authentic Montessori program can help your child:

If they have trouble focusing: some might think that a self-led learning program such as Montessori might not be a good fit for their child if their child has difficulty focusing, but studies have shown that the opposite is true. Due to the calmness and order that the program offers, as well as the personalized focus, children can find the stability they need to help them focus and learn.

Try a Style of Learning Geared Toward Independence
The Montessori program can be a great way for many children to learn and can help foster a sense of inquisitiveness in your child. You might even find they bring what they learned home to tell you about it, and you can create an environment that promotes healthy learning and helps ready them for any type of schooling they take on once they get older. 

Do you live in Ventura, CA, and want to give the Montessori program a try? Reach out to the amazing team at Seeds Early Learning! Whether your child is 2–3, TK or Kindergarten-age, or you’re looking for a daycare or an afterschool program (provided through a partnership with VUSD), we have a spot for them. Contact us today for more information!